Benefits and Features

The iScope is an all-in-one digital device that combines three devices that doctors use to examine and perform minor procedures on patients ears, eyes and skin. The otoscope, ophthalmoscope and dermatoscope.

 How the iScope assists GPs and patients


The iScope is a unique digital medical device intended for day-to-day use by General Practitioners.  


Procedures under magnified vision

Ear wax removal by using suction or removal of foreign bodies from the eye can be done with the same magnification as an ear microscope or slit lamp.  Saves the patient a visit to the specialist for a simple procedure.  


Improved communications and time efficiency

Documentation is an important part of doctors’ daily practice. With the iScope, images of skin or retina can be compared over time which helps doctors monitor changing conditions. This method is already established and used by specialists to benefit patients and iScope will make it available to GPs.  

Wireless connectivity supports easy image transfer to specialists for consultation. Discussing patients‘ clinical findings and management with a remote specialist and providing an actual image instead of lengthy descriptions allows clear and easy communication.   

Showing patients’ images of the examined ear, skin or eye involves them in their health care and elucidates complex issues in a simple and time-efficient way. 


More distance during examination

Examination by the doctor can be done at a comfortable arm's length distance. The images can be reviewed on the iScope‘s screen. This eliminates the need of close proximity during examinations and benefits doctors who need to wear glasses. 


Convenience for the patient

Minor procedures of eye and ear can be performed by GPs instead of sending patients to the hospital or specialists, saving them time and money.  

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All-in-one device

The iScope has a set of adaptors which allows a single device to replace the collection of devices GPs are currently using. These are the otoscope for ears, the dermatoscope for skin and the ophthalmoscope for eyes. The iScope is a small handheld device fitting on the doctor's desk or travel bag. 

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Comprehensive vision during procedures

iScope’s design allows simultaneous direct views of the operating hand and patient as well magnified views of the ear or eye.  This allows good control over the operating hand and identification of a patient’s discomfort during procedures. 


Digital recording

Digital documentation is one of the key components of the iScope. There is no need to attach a camera or smartphone as a digital camera is integrated into the iScope. The digital camera captures images, which can be displayed on a high-resolution screen on the device itself or sent wirelessly to the EMR or other digital devices. High-quality lenses ensure sharp and detailed images for each individual application. The software supports the iScope and wireless connection to other devices.  


eHealth ready

AI integration in medical devices as a decision aid and eHealth are finding increasing interest in medicine.  iScope’s digital foundations make it ready to integrate with future eHealth products. 

Invest in the iScope

Help make this innovative new medical device available to GPs.